Blog Post - Literature Review #1

 Zerrin Salikutluk (@Z_Salikutluk) | Twitter

2.Salikutluk, Zerrin. “Why Do Immigrant Students Aim High? Explaining the    Aspiration–Achievement Paradox of Immigrants in Germany.” European Sociological Review, vol. 32, no. 5, 2016, pp. 581–592., doi:10.1093/esr/jcw004.

3. I mainly used her Aspiration-Achievement Paradox which talks about immigrant student's aspirations versus what they actually achieve. She goes into depth about what causes this and gives us many reasons to believe her.

4.Zerrin Salikutluk works for a university in Berlin and focuses on social science and goes in-depth on immigration and education and she created this article which she published through Oxford University.

5.Paradox-a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well-founded or true.

6." First, immigrants’ estimation of the probability of successfully completing higher education can be biased by a strong projection of wishes and unrealistic aspirations." (Salikutluk 7)

"Dembo describes aspirations as vectors of powers leading to goal-striving behavior and attitudes once individuals have set their aims" (Salikutluk 8)

" For realistic aspirations, in contrast, restrictions are taken into account. For instance, limited financial resources, insufficient academic abilities or low probabilities of success can be reasons why realistic educational aspirations are lower than idealistic ones."(Salikutluk 8)

7.This helps me on my topic because this article gave me a theoretical frame that I was able to workaround.


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